January 30, 2010

January 27, 2010

Wednesday "Whoa" Match!

~Wednesday special~

La Roux VS. Bloody Beetroots

Today I felt let matching up the illustrious pair of the Bloody Beetroots with the beautiful La Roux. Her song "Bullteproof" is backed up by the synth from the Bloody Beetroots' remix of "Escape" by the Toxic Avenger.

Download the match-up below:

January 24, 2010

Tearing Jack's Beats

My favorite artist of the week is Jack Beats! Their remixes have created new classic-electro tracks from older timeless hits. All of these remixes display the crazy, unpredictable style of Jack Beats.

This Saturday night I had the pleasure of enlightening several people with the musical styling of Jack Beats. They seem like talented producers and I always hear great things about their work. I recorded a 7-8 minute-long Jack Beats mix entitled, "Fun With Jack's Beats." This is the product of my most sincere efforts to do this duo justice...


DJ Shamen - Fun With Jack's Beats

January 23, 2010

Wait... What Happened Thursday Night?

Marquette is famous for two things...

Its law school...


Our long-standing tradition of "Thirsty Thursday" parties!

The first week of school brings little to no academic responsibilities, leaving us with 1,500 Watts of stereo equipment and a lot of time on our hands. So we took advantage of the time at hand only to create one of the best Thursdays yet...

Here's one of my live mixes from that same night:

DJ Shamen - Tik Tok 1.9

January 21, 2010

...Tiger Shirts and Mash-Ups...

Last semester, I had an English professor that really liked ^this Tiger shirt. Now my best friends both have this SAME professor for English this semester. I encourage them both to not only read my music blog and jam to the tracks, but they should also flaunt this shirt in many an English class.

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I present the first-ever Official Music Blog of DJ Shamen. I will be posting original Shamen tracks as well as some mixed tracks that I pick out. All of these mixes are rough copies as well. In other words, these songs are the first live versions that I created.

enjoy the first few mixes of the semester.

DJ Shamen - Best I Ever Warped

DJ Shamen - Fidelity Ain't Nuthin' But a G Thang

DJ Shamen - The Reward is More Rhiannon
